The Blog is Open!

…and thus begins Joe’s quest into blogging!  (Pictured above:  Joe’s Glowing Keyboard of DESSSSSTINY)

For those that don’t know me, my name is Joe.  I like eating.  I’d describe myself as a “foodie,” whatever that means.

But you hopefully gathered most of that from the title of the blog.

I’m a sales guy, and many days it’s my job to take folks out to eat.  In my travels of doing this job (and another one quite similar to it) for the last 4 years, I’ve found that a lot of my dining advice has been well recognized by clients and the public alone.  Reviews I’ve written for restaurants (mostly on have stirred ups a bit of attention, and as such, I decided to start my own blog, re-publishing some of my yelp reviews, and also starting the project I shall call “One Year of Food.”

“One Year of Food” (or any better name that I come up with) will detail exactly that–every notable meal that I’ve eaten for a year.  It won’t include repeat meals of boring crap (like making hotdogs for myself in the microwave at home–though it may include that once–you’ll find I’m not much of a cook), but primarily it will involve restaurant food, as I pretty much eat out for every meal.

Anyhow, this should get interesting!  I’ll be opening different sections of the website, and twittering like crazy.  Other sections that I hope to open up soon:

-The Hall of Fame – This section of the site will include restaurants that I think rock, and therefore I go there on a regular basis.  And I “Ain’t too proud to chain.”  I will attend good chains.  I will have a short list (of the best of the best), and a long list (actually–I hope for it to be a map containing all of the restaurants I recommend.)
-The Wall of Shame – This section of the site will include shitty dining experiences that I have encountered, so that you may not have to follow suit on these.  Just take my word for it.  This will also include my “shit list” of restaurants–restaurants that I won’t eat at for some reason.  I also hope for it to include some of the rules of life I have adhered to in selecting a restaurant.  This will include the cardinal rule, devised by my father, “Never ask a skinny person where to eat.”  Amen.
About The Chef – This will be a biography of myself, the author / the narrator.
Side Dishes – This will be links to other sites that are related to me, or to foodies.
Off the Menu – These are all frequently asked questions (or anticipated frequently asked questions) about Dine at Joe’s.
-The Surgery Donation Area – This will help pay for the surgeries that I will require when I gain a billion bajillion pounds as I consume this ridiculous amount of food.  Included will be options such as the “Tijuana Lipo”, the “Happy Lap-Band” and the “Coronary bypass.”  You can donate for each surgery!  (Truth be told, the money you donate will probably go towards paying my bandwidth.)

For the time being, this site will remain free (like free beer free, and free of ads.)

Without further ado, I give you “Dine At Joe’s!”  (Tell your friends.)  Anyhow, grab your silverware, get those napkins in your lap, and as the Italian portion of my family used to say “Mangia Mangia!”